Reconstructing life

As the knowledge of genes, proteins, and other biological components has developed, so has the interest in studying the interaction between them in order to understand complete biological systems. Here, the systems biology approach provides concepts and tools. The ultimate goal is to rebuild nature on the computer and set up a complete mathematical model of living cells in silico. Such models may then, for instance, be used to optimize the biotechnological production of value-added chemicals by microorganisms.

The research focuses on mathematically modeling the dynamics, regulation, and control of metabolic networks. In particular, we are interested in studying structural, i.e. topological properties of complex metabolic networks and how these structures give rise to metabolic functions. We develop computational tools to predict optimized microbes for biotechnological applications. Most of the experimental work is carried out in collaboration with other research groups within acib.

Cutting-edge research for the future

 Cluster of Excellence

Circular Bioengineering

With €16 million in FWF funding, the Cluster of Excellence Circular Bioengineering marks a significant step toward sustainable innovation.

Mission: Cutting-edge research in molecular biosciences and biotechnology to design and engineer bio-based materials that are sustainable, efficient, and waste-free.

 Latest publications


This webtool explores the design space of fed-batch fermentations with a growth-arrested second stage.


Scientific paper by Mathias Gotsmy, Anna Erian, Hans Marx, Stefan Pflügl, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering: Mathias Gotsmy, Dafni Giannari, Radhakrishnan Mahadevan, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Guido Schlögel, Rudiger Lück, Stefan Kittler, Oliver Spadiut, Julian Kopp, Jürgen Zanghellini, Mathias Gotsmy


Viktor Laurin Sedlmayr, Diana Széliová, Veerke De Kock, Yannick Gansemans, Filip Van Nieuwerburgh, Eveline Peeters, Julian Quehenberger, Jürgen...


Kevin Mildau, Christoph Büschl, Jürgen Zanghellini, and Justin J. J. van der Hooft


Included in "International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology": by Jorge Lázaro, Jorge Júlvez, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Leopold Zehetner, Diana Széliová, Barbara Kraus, Juan A. Hernández Bort, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Gabriel Braun, Martin Schaier, Paulina Werner, Sarah Theiner, Jürgen Zanghellini, Lukas Wisgrill, Nanna Fyhrquist, and Gunda Köllensperger


Kevin Mildau, Henry Ehlers, Ian Oesterle, Manuel Pristner, Benedikt Warth, Maria Doppler, Christoph Büschl, Jürgen Zanghellini, and Justin J. J. van...


PyCoMo simplifies the analysis of community metabolic models: Michael Predl, Marianne Mießkes, Thomas Rattei, and Jürgen Zanghellini


A self-fabricating cell and optimal ribosome composition: Diana Széliová, Stefan Müller, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Understanding microorganisms improves bioprocess design: Benjamin Luke Coltman, Corinna Rebnegger, Brigitte Gasser, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Mathias Gotsmy, Florian Strobl, Florian Weiß, Petra Gruber, Barbara Kraus, Jürgen Mairhofer, and Jürgen Zanghellini


Guido Schlögel explains how to design an optimal fed-batch process using a differential equation model.


An interactive dashboard providing flexible means of spectral data exploration complementary to molecular networking: by Kevin Mildau


Computation of feasible compositions of microbial communities: by Marianne Mießkes and Jürgen Zanghellini


Leopold Zehetner, Diana Széliová, Barbara Kraus, Michael Graninger, Jürgen Zanghellini, and Juan Antonio Hernández Bort


An update to ecmtool that uses mplrs for parallelized ECM enumeration: Bianca Buchner, Tom J. Clement, Daan H. de Groot, and Jürgen Zanghellini


A machine-learning-based approach was developed for detecting chromatographic peaks in LC-HRMS profile-mode data: by Christoph Büschl