Publications of the group Biochemical Network Analysis
Showing entries 21 - 30 out of 32
Brunmair, J., Gotsmy, M., Niederstaetter, L., Neuditschko, B., Bileck, A., Slany, A., Feuerstein, M. L., Langbauer, C., Janker, L., Zanghellini, J., Meier-Menches, S. M., & Gerner, C. (2021). Finger sweat analysis enables short interval metabolic biomonitoring in humans. Nature Communications, 12(1), [5993].
Stor, J., Ruckerbauer, D. E., Szeliova, D., Zanghellini, J., & Borth, N. (2021). Towards rational glyco-engineering in CHO: from data to predictive models. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 71, 9-17.
Herrmann, H. A., Rusz, M., Baier, D., Jakupec, M. A., Keppler, B. K., Berger, W., Koellensperger, G., & Zanghellini, J. (2021). Thermodynamic Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling of Metallodrug Resistance in Colorectal Cancer. Cancers, 13(16), [4130].
Szeliova, D., Stor, J., Thiel, I., Weinguny, M., Hanscho, M., Lhota, G., Borth, N., Zanghellini, J., Ruckerbauer, D. E., & Rocha, I. (2021). Inclusion of maintenance energy improves the intracellular flux predictions of CHO. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(6), [e1009022].
Széliová, D., Iurashev, D., Ruckerbauer, D. E., Koellensperger, G., Borth, N., Melcher, M., & Zanghellini, J. (2021). Error propagation in constraint-based modeling of Chinese hamster ovary cells. Biotechnology Journal, 16(4), [2000320].
Libiseller-Egger, J., Coltman, B., Gerstl, M. P., & Zanghellini, J. (2020). Environmental flexibility does not explain metabolic robustness. Npj systems biology and applications, 6(1), [39].
Széliová, D., Ruckerbauer, D. E., Galleguillos, S. N., Petersen, L. B., Natter, K., Hanscho, M., Troyer, C., Causon, T., Schoeny, H., Christensen, H. B., Lee, D. Y., Lewis, N. E., Koellensperger, G., Hann, S., Nielsen, L. K., Borth, N., & Zanghellini, J. (2020). What CHO is made of: Variations in the biomass composition of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Metabolic engineering, 61, 288-300.
Zwirzitz, B., Wetzels, S. U., Dixon, E. D., Stessl, B., Zaiser, A., Rabanser, I., Thalguter, S., Pinior, B., Roch, F-F., Strachan, C., Zanghellini, J., Dzieciol, M., Wagner, M., & Selberherr, E. (2020). The sources and transmission routes of microbial populations throughout a meat processing facility. Npj biofilms and microbiomes, 6(1), [26].
Hamdi, A., Szeliova, D., Ruckerbauer, D. E., Rocha, I., Borth, N., & Zanghellini, J. (2020). Key Challenges in Designing CHO Chassis Platforms. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 8(6), [643].
Burgard, J., Grünwald-Gruber, C., Altmann, F., Zanghellini, J., Valli, M., Mattanovich, D., & Gasser, B. (2020). The secretome of Pichia pastoris in fed-batch cultivations is largely independent of the carbon source but changes quantitatively over cultivation time. Microbial Biotechnology, 13(2), 479-494.
Showing entries 21 - 30 out of 32