Publications of the group Biochemical Network Analysis

Showing entries 21 - 30 out of 34


Szeliova, D., Stor, J., Thiel, I., Weinguny, M., Hanscho, M., Lhota, G., Borth, N., Zanghellini, J., Ruckerbauer, D. E., & Rocha, I. (2021). Inclusion of maintenance energy improves the intracellular flux predictions of CHO. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(6), Article e1009022.


Széliová, D., Ruckerbauer, D. E., Galleguillos, S. N., Petersen, L. B., Natter, K., Hanscho, M., Troyer, C., Causon, T., Schoeny, H., Christensen, H. B., Lee, D. Y., Lewis, N. E., Koellensperger, G., Hann, S., Nielsen, L. K., Borth, N., & Zanghellini, J. (2020). What CHO is made of: Variations in the biomass composition of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Metabolic engineering, 61, 288-300.

Zwirzitz, B., Wetzels, S. U., Dixon, E. D., Stessl, B., Zaiser, A., Rabanser, I., Thalguter, S., Pinior, B., Roch, F.-F., Strachan, C., Zanghellini, J., Dzieciol, M., Wagner, M., & Selberherr, E. (2020). The sources and transmission routes of microbial populations throughout a meat processing facility. Npj biofilms and microbiomes, 6(1), Article 26.

Showing entries 21 - 30 out of 34