Publications of the group Biochemical Network Analysis
Showing entries 31 - 34 out of 34
Hamdi, A., Szeliova, D., Ruckerbauer, D. E., Rocha, I., Borth, N., & Zanghellini, J. (2020). Key Challenges in Designing CHO Chassis Platforms. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 8(6), Article 643.
Burgard, J., Grünwald-Gruber, C., Altmann, F., Zanghellini, J., Valli, M., Mattanovich, D., & Gasser, B. (2020). The secretome of Pichia pastoris in fed-batch cultivations is largely independent of the carbon source but changes quantitatively over cultivation time. Microbial Biotechnology, 13(2), 479-494.
Strachan, C. R., Mueller, A. J., Ghanbari, M., Neubauer, V., Zwirzitz, B., Thalguter, S., Dziecol, M., Wetzels, S. U., Zanghellini, J., Wagner, M., & Schmitz-Esser, S. (2019). A prospective role for the rumen in generating antibiotic resistance. Web publication, Unknown publisher.
Mairinger, T., Wegscheider, W., Peña, D. A., Steiger, M. G., Koellensperger, G., Zanghellini, J., & Hann, S. (2018). Comprehensive assessment of measurement uncertainty in 13C-based metabolic flux experiments. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 410(14), 3337-3348.
Showing entries 31 - 34 out of 34